Author: Erica Cirino (www.safinacenter.org)
The leaders of Iceland’s slow-travel movement
I’m standing on the bow of a creaking wooden schooner called Ópal, looking out over the Greenland Sea for signs of life here at the quiet edge of the Arctic Circle. Save for the crews I see aboard the occasional industrial fishing vessels that...

Author: Erica Cirino (www.hakaimagazine.com)
Where Whales and Plastic Meet
On the turbulent sea, white-capped waves blur into the distant snow-dusted mountains and the icy air bites at exposed skin. In the unforgiving conditions, Belén García Ovide braces herself against the wooden railing of the Ópal, scanning the wild sea for whales...
2020 / 2021

Author: Frits Meyst (magazine.wideoyster.com)
Sailing in the Service of Science
WideOyster photographer Frits Meyst joins a group of international scientists in the waters around Iceland, with the aim of jointly mapping the environment. The results are shocking. Will you go as a citizen scientist on the next expedition?

Author: Belén García (www.sevenseasmedia.org)
Sails, Research, Education and Conservation in the Arctic regions
Ocean Missions is an innovative NGO born in Iceland in 2019 that offers annual expeditions in the edge of the Arctic regions. This project was born from the need for sustainable tourism and conservation in a unique and fragile environment as it is Iceland and nearby regions.

Author: North Sailing (www.northsailing.is)
Set sails for sustainability, together with Ocean Missions
North Sailing has officially teamed up with Ocean Missions to inspire people to discover the wonders of the sea and the challenges facing our arctic waters.

Author: NPO3 (www.npo3.nl)
Leef als piraat en zeebioloog inéén op deze IJslandse walvisexpeditie
Wat hebben Captain Jack en David Attenborough gemeen? Niets zal je denken. Toch voel je je een beetje van beide als je op een piraatachtige zeilboot met een team onderzoekers op expeditie gaat. Twee keer per jaar mogen twaalf reizigers mee op avontuur in de IJslandse poolcirkel.

Author: Alexander Armstrong (channel5.com)
Iceland with Alexander Armstrong
Alexander Armstrong travels to the Land of Fire and Ice to learn more about the unique nature and culture found there, visiting every corner of Iceland to experience the incredible sights and people.

Author: Ása Steinars og Leo Alsved (www.66north.com)
Með Ocean Missions og Ásu Steinars siglum við saman í að átt að sjálfbærni.
Ocean Missions er framtak sem helgar sig rannsóknum og vitundarvakningu á plastmengun í Norður-Atlantshafi. Teymið, sem gerir út á 70 ára gamalli tréskútu frá höfninni í Húsavík, sameinar til þess fjölbreyttan hóp fólks og skapar tækifæri fyrir vísindamenn úr þverfaglegum greinum til að safna dýrmætum upplýsingum um heilbrigði hafsins í kringum okkur.

Author: RUV (www.ruv.is)
Þáttur um lífið í landinu. Landinn ferðast um og hittir fólk sem fæst við margt áhugavert og skemmtilegt. Ritstjóri er Gísli Einarsson. Aðrir umsjónarmenn: Edda Sif Pálsdóttir, Þórgunnur Oddsdóttir Halla Ólafsdóttir og Arnar Björnsson.

Author: DV (www.dv.is)
Fjögur tonn af landreknu rusli
Sjálfboðaliðasamtökin Ocean Missions, sem gera starfsemi sína út frá Húsavík, skipulögðu tveggja daga markvissa hreinsun á fjörum Langaness, rétt norðan Þórshafnar.

Author: VEFIR (vefir.mms.is)
Vissir þú að Jörðin okkar er stundumkölluð bláa reikistjarnan?
Það er vegna þess að utan úr geimi sést hve mikið vatn er á
Jörðinni. Mest af vatninu er í hafinu en jöklar, stöðuvötn, ár
og fljót eru líka úr vatni.
2022 / 2023
Jornada 5: 1er Festival Internacional Ecoexperiencias Fuerteventura
Un grupo de 25 científicos y científicas emiten un manifiesto a favor de la sostenibilidad de las islas pequeñas desde Fuerteventura.

Author: Belén García Ovide and Norris Niman
Sidetracked Volume 25
The unknown both scares and excites us. It prompts journeys of discovery that move us forward, both as stewards of this planet and individuals. The unknown is an agent of hope – and hope is needed, in expedition life as well as facing the challenges of the future.

Author: Belén García Ovide (www.safinacenter.org)
I just got home from spending four weeks in August working in the far north, between the latitudes 70 and 71 in East Greenland. I was a wildlife guide on the Schooner Opal for North Sailing. My first time in Scoresby Sound was in 2018, and I was only there for two weeks. After two years of COVID restrictions, we can finally bring guests to sail in Greenland again.

Feeling inspired by Ocean Missions?
We cooked something even more special for you! Feel the action and join us for a week-long science expedition and travel with purpose. This program is recommended for people interested in Marine Science, Oceanography, Marine Biology and traditional sailing. However, we believe that everyone with a passion for adventure can be on board for a change! Our priority on this expedition is environmental values.
2024 / 2025

Author: Paolo Santoriello (@paulwanders_)
Ocean Missions
Ever since I was a child, I have always loved being in contact with nature. I grew up in Salerno, a small town in southern Italy that boasts a wonderful landscape, close to the enchanting beauty of the Amalfi Coast.
by Belén García Ovide, Erica Cirino, Charla Jean Basran, Torsten Geertz and Kristian Syberg
Assessment of Prevalence and Heterogeneity of Meso- and Microplastic Pollution in Icelandic Waters
Surface water samples were collected using a low-tech aquatic debris instrument (LADI) at six nearshore locations on the north and northwestern coasts of Iceland to investigate the prevalence of mesoplastic (5–10 mm) and microplastic (0.3–5 mm) in the region.
The Exploration Awards
The Exploration Museum announces the recipients of the 2021 and 2022 Leif Erikson Awards