An Ocean Ambassador is an ocean representative that has been credited for taking actions to support and contribute to the oceans‘ protection. An Ocean Ambassador looks after the planet every single day of his/her life and makes small or big, pure actions to fullfil his/her ambition to make a positive change. An Ocean Ambassador spreads positivity and inspires others to join the movement.
During our expeditions we train the participants to become Ocean Ambassadors that will speak for the oceans and leave a ocean legacy full of HOPE. There is always a “before” and an “after” once you experience sailing with us in Ópal and being an Ocean Ambassador often comes automatically as a new life style.
To be an Ocean Ambassador you don’t need to be an expert, a scientist, or a marine biologist. Becoming an Ocean Ambassador depends only on your will, as we are all free to choose what we want to do in our lives and how to act. We simply act as facilitators for the right mindsets. There are opportunities to take positive action in almost every minute of our lives. We want to empower the people to become the change we need to save the planet. It is our HOPE and responsibility to leave a legacy to all the living beings on this blue planet, including us and our children, for a better future.
As the social activist Margaret Mead said: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”