To Move. To Discover. To Connect. Three verbs that touch the soul of the adventurer, the traveller, the dreamer, and that always lead him – or her – to look beyond the horizon. Becoming champions of Iceland’s First Hope Spot, the Northeast Iceland Hope Spot, the achievement that lit up our 2023, has also inflated …

Clear evidence shows that we are inevitably reaching the limits of the resilience of most of our oceans and seas. Despite the increase in international policies coming in place to address climate change issues and to regulate human-made impacts, the reality is that we have already reached crucial tipping points on the state of the …

We are super excited to announce some of the big news for 2024! Our recent collaboration with The Tilvera Project is one step forward towards achieving the main goals of Ocean Missions to work in ocean conservation and to engage people in ocean research and education. The Tilvera project offers purposeful expeditions and transformative voyages …

On October 1st, Ocean Missions and the Húsavík Whale Museum held the first “Hope Spot Festival” in Húsavík; a public celebration of the declaration of the Northeast Iceland Hope Spot sponsored by Mission Blue. Weeks of preparation and anticipation went into the event! The French scouts and guides who came to volunteer with us for …

Our expeditions are always full of adventurous, bright and rebellious souls, who see the world from different points of view and always seek to know more, travel better, grow taller. This is also the case for Assistant Professor Rob Layton, who used an iPhone to film and produce a documentary about our scientific expedition around …

In 2021 we were contacted by someone with a great spirit, a great talent and, above all, a great need to change things. Florian Seltmann, a young German videographer inspired and disgusted by the unnaturalness of our artificial world, decided to turn his career around and dedicate himself to creating art that could change the …

Hope is a word connected to “change”. A link between present and future, that leads us to a path of transformation. When we have hope: we see the possibility of change. When we have hope: we act towards the change. Oceans Missions and The Hope Expedition aim to change the way we relate not only …

It has been a very busy and intense winter for Ocean Missions! As our research grows and covers more content, while our steps lead us to go further into the world of marine scientific research and to open up to other entities, universities and events, there are more and more opportunities that we have to …

We had been dreaming of this for years. Years fighting, gathering information, studying, contacting experts, raising our voices and singing to the four winds that our coast, our wonderful and unique coast, deserved recognition commensurate with its value. And finally, at the beginning of this year 2023, the dream came true. Together, Ocean Missions NGO …

Animal problems are human problems; we are in this sh*t together. I just got home from spending four weeks in August working in the far north, between the latitudes 70 and 71 in East Greenland. I was a wildlife guide on the Schooner Opal for North Sailing. My first time in Scoresby Sound was in …

How valuable is a whale´s life ? How much oxygen some from the sea? Are we on time to save our oceans? And, are whale watching activities sustainable in Iceland? There are so many important questions to answer and messages to spread! Húsavík, a small town at the edge of the Arctic, is a mayor …

It seems that there is momentum around the problem of plastic pollution, as earlier this month, world leaders from more than 175 nations have agreed to finally forge a global treaty by 2024 to restrict plastic pollution! In Iceland, starting this year until 2025, the Ministry of Environment decided to trust and support some local …

In January this year, Belén was awarded by The Safina Center as one of their young fellows to help on – Advancing the Case for Life on Earth. This fund is given to support passionate women on their professional careers to make a positive difference for the planet. Now, 9 months after, we can feel …

This is the result of last weekend’s clean-up effort on the Langanes peninsula! For the first time, Ocean Missions NGO, based in Húsavík, arranged a two-day, intensive clean-up of the Langanes coastline, gathering 20 volunteers from different organizations with a clear purpose: to remove the trash from the coastline and claim environmental action. Representatives from …

Belén, from Ocean Missions has been recently awarded by “The Safina Center” non-profit organization with a 5000$ grant to help on their work – Advancing the Case for Life on Earth, and she is willing to fully dedicate it on achieving Ocean Missions goals, which are hand in hand with the goals of The Safina …

It is a pleasure to announce the official partnership between Ocean Missions and North Sailing! We are very excited about this partnership, since we think it can bring very exciting projects for next summers in Húsavík! We all live in a marvelous wildlife paradise called Húsavík that deserves all the respect and admiration. It is …

This year, the Northern Right Whale are the species getting the most attention among whale scientists

Never tired of the sea or adventures, right after coming back from the fantastic OM expedition, some of the team members sailed North West Iceland again to complete one of our missions of 2020. This time we team up with North Sailing, and Rannsóknasetur Háskóla Íslands a Húsavík (Research Centre) teams, we set our course …

This summer we joined some bird experts in Iceland on their mission to monitor the productivity of puffin colonies. Discover what we learned!

“How We Became Ocean Ambassadors” – Expedition May 2020 I’ve been struggling to find words to accurately sum up the expedition we went on May 28th to June 3rd 2020. Words just aren’t enough in this case, but I’m going to give it my best shot. (Fortunately, these little words are complemented with the moving …